A new year is here, bringing new hope, opportunities, and deadlines. So, whether you are handling the bookkeeping and accounting responsibilities for your company - or outsourcing them, mark these dates on your calendar.
4th Quarter 2020 Sales Tax – due January 20
Even if claiming $0, you must file to avoid late fees
W-2s – For businesses with employees W-2s are due to workers by February 1st.
Due by Monday, February 1st:
1099s – for services performed in 2020 by non-corporations totaling over $600
2020 Property Taxes – most Texas counties
4th Quarter Employers State Tax Report - in Texas
940s/941s - Federal employment tax reports
If all of these dates, filings and forms seem overwhelming, and you are looking for bookkeeping or accounting assistance this year, we are here to help. From advice, to projects or interim solutions, we have scalable options to help small and mid-sized business.
Also, if you received PPP in the first round, now is the time to apply for your forgiveness. We can help with that too. For more information, give us a call at 713-454-7641 or email info@vikingadvisorygorup.com.